Friday, July 18, 2014

garden journal: 7/14/14

this is the news that i prefer to read each morning.   what has grown overnight?  what has opened up to greet the sun?  but at times i have to turn on the television, because i must be aware of the world outside my one acre.  my heart is heavy today as i go on with my life . . .

i am training my morning glories to grow up the railings of the steps.

i am making an attempt with summer lettuce, because why not?  it is doing surprisingly well, probably due in part to the uncharacteristically mild summer we've been having.

zinnia shadows.

zinnia with butterfly.

this one loves the sun as much as the flowers do.

the pink coneflowers, aging, but still beautiful.

i found this as i was weeding (reclaiming) the side flower bed.  my sister-in-law in florida has a huge bed of it (as big as the entire flower bed that this one is in) and it's waist high.  i'm delighted that the bit she gave me seems to like it here in tennessee.

she says the hummingbirds love it too which makes me happy.  i've been having a hummingbird visitor.  happiness.

i've been hesitant to share this sweet thing as i don't want to jinx myself.  it's a honeydew melon.  i've never planted them before and am oh so excited to think that it might grow to reach its full potential in my tummy.

morning dew.

the mystery flower is still a mystery.

the corn is making significant progress.

the potatoes are blooming and being pollinated by green metallic bees.  so cool.

and i'm happy to report that the pink ladybugs all over my garden are friends.  these little guys are omnivores that eat aphids and help to pollinate the flowers.  awesome.

another daisy found and rescued in the lawn.

this view made me laugh and i had to take a picture.

praying for peace under my sky and yours . . .

linking up with manneskjur and "how does your garden grow?"

1 comment:

  1. that sunflower is enormous and i like the cute bugs i have never seen that green one before
