Saturday, August 18, 2012

get it scrapped!: repoussoir

this is a layout i made for an article on repoussoir at get it scrapped!  i know!  i had no idea what repoussoir was either!  debbie is really awesome that way . . . she's discovering new nuggets of inspiration all the time.
if you love learning as much as i do or if you're on the hunt for a bit of unique inspiration do head on over there to check it out!

i wanted to give you a little background information on the background of this layout.  i believe i was playing with my watercolor crayons and colored in some of the circles on that paper by studio calico.  i liked the look, but felt it was too busy for the photo, so i toned it down by stitching a sheet of white tissue paper over the top and then misting it a tiny bit.  good save doris!  ha!

here's a peek at the other page i did for the repoussoir article.  you can see the entire piece over at get it scrapped!  for the grass on this page i cut the green dotted tissue paper into oh an inch and a half or so, folded it in half the longway and stitched it to my page on the folded side.  i then went back and snipped the strips and fluffed them to make the grass.  fun.

and this is a peek of a page i did for a feather article over there.  another good read definitely.  the articles have always been great over there, but since debbie added the design team, she's really stepped it up a notch.  articles delivered every weekday and they're always so relevant, inspiring, and trendy.  i don't know how she stays so on top of things, but i'm sure glad she does!

some of my recent favorite reads there are:
ideas for composing the 3-photo scrapbook page
5 liftable ideas from one scrapbook page by betsy sammarco
ideas for using short titles on scrapbook pages


  1. thank you, Doris!! I'm so glad you're on the team and contributing with such energy :)

  2. I love the look of the tissue paper over the layout -- wow!
