Thursday, June 6, 2013

spring camp out at uncle jimmy's

despite the rainy weekend (hello this is a rainy spring!), the cub scout camp out at uncle jimmy's was a huge success.  this was due, in part, to the empty hay sheds (or whatever these structures are called) that sheltered our tents from the elements.  we were so dry.  happy happy happy!

while the men put up the dining fly . . . 

and the boys set up their base camp . . . 

i walked eight miles around the "pond."

of course i took pictures of the flora . . .

and fauna.

 the guys got straight to fishing after all the man work was done.

we caught a patch of sunny weather the next day, so i took them all to the creek.  that's anna, the only other girl on this trip.  i was very thankful for little sister i tell ya!

my little water bug.

 i found this guy . . .

 and g found a faux arrowhead.

then i took more pics of flowers . . .

and bugs . . .

before packing up and heading home, blue skies smiling on us the whole way.  :)

1 comment:

  1. Glorious photos! Love your backyard post too ... what a great wildflower link!
