Monday, September 23, 2013

September Photo Challenge: Part Three

"a person's a person no matter how small!" - horton - this little guy reminds me so much of the mantis on a bug's life.  doesn't he look like the consummate gentleman actor exciting stage right?  gabriel and i wonder if he's one of our little hatchlings, all grown up now.

*** if you're here for the jenni bowlin/echo park blog hop/giveaway, you can find it HERE ***

twilight - the moon was so huge as it was rising the other night.  by the time we got home, it didn't look quite so big, but it was still beautiful.  it was a full moon and i think this must be the classic definition of a harvest moon.

let's pretend this never happened - i apologize for the close-up of the creepy spider.  she is creepy in a cool way though, isn't she?  i noticed her dancing about in the light outside my craft room and had to go snap her picture.  she was really quite graceful as she spun her web and waltzed on thin air.  i think she must be one of charlotte's descendents.

"may the wind under your wings bear you where the sun sails and the moon walks." from the hobbit - i know i keep sharing pictures of my backyard.  i know you're thinking it's just an open field.  but gosh the light is so beautiful when the sun comes up in the morning.  when there's a touch of fog, it's just stunning to me.

snugglepot and cuddlepie - how cute is he?  very, i know.  he slept three more hours than me saturday morning.  i was jealous.  i have become one of those old people who can't sleep late in the mornings.  meh.  or maybe i just need a blackout curtain on my window?

"riddikulous!" - professor lupin - hee.  milk in a budweiser glass.  totally makes me laugh.  how many of you children of the 80's remember the budweiser frog commercials?  and these are dressed up as florida state seminoles.  i love this glass!  my sister-in-law found it at a thrift store and graciously let me bring it home after i discovered it in her cabinet.  bud. wies! ER.

"small acts of kindness and love." - gandalf - my dear friend tammy gave me this basket, leftover from her mother's funeral.  i have filled it with a whole lotta happy in her mother's honor.

divergent - i'm still loving bi-colored toes.  and i'm still amused that people find it odd.  they're just toenails.  it's just polish.  "but they're different!"  i say different is beautiful.
orange is the new black - i signed my sweet potato up for basketball.  hoping the league is kind to him and fingers crossed that he takes an interest in it.

the language of flowers - i trimmed the last few fresh blossoms off the zinnias and then pulled the plants up.  it killed me to do it, but it was time.  on to pansy season . . .

only five prompts left for me this month!  i have SO loved the literary spin on the list!  i think i must make this an annual september tradition.  :)


  1. gorgeous gorgeous photos. that spider! what kind is that? almost looks like a CRAB!

  2. I am jealous of your preying mantis. I so want to raise some with K. And yes...I remember the budweiser frogs. My hubby worked for their theme parks and had a tie with them on it. LOL. As always, the photos are gorgeous!

  3. I've taken photos of spiders and webs this year too---there just seem to be more than usual and they webs are HUGE>
    Gonna try the different toenail colors---see if people notice!

  4. Great photos! And your choice of subjects is all around the clock...very nice!

  5. I am raising my hand at remembering the commercials! And LOVE the toes. My Mom and I have a whole plan of attack with red and green for Christmas :-)
