Friday, January 2, 2015

nature journal: trumpet vine

i tried to get all my leftover random blog posts taken care of this past week, but i still missed a few.  this one has been in draft for months.  i think i had intended to go back and find some of those seed pods and try to start one of these beauties to plant in my own yard.  alas, it got too cold for my foraging as i am a hothouse flower.  oh well.  maybe i can find one for sale at a garden center this spring.  they say these are invasive, but as long as you plant them in a place that gets mowed regularly you're okay.  i just know they grow wild all over the southern u.s. and they are gorgeous.

here are a couple of good articles if you're interested in reading more:

linking up with mamasaurus and "how does your garden grow?"


  1. Beautiful photos, Doris! I just saw your comment on my post (which had landed in my Trash...Akismet has been reprimanded for being Far Too Zealous!)....definitely sounds like we'd make great 'hanging partners'....! [I replied to your comment on my post - never sure if people see my replies there, however?]

  2. Dear Doris,
    phantastic plant! It has a lovely bloom too! Thank you for introducing it to me!
    Happy happy happy New Year

  3. Hummingbirds in the garden is reason enough to grow this, but those flowers! The colour is shouting Summertime to me. Gorgeous.

  4. Ooo I love the look of these - off to find out more now Doris! Thank you for joining in again - and that reminds me, I must reply to your email this evening. Sorry I am so behind everything, but I suspect now the kids are back at school that I'll catch up fast! x
