Thursday, March 21, 2013

florida photos: two cuties

i can't let a florida trip pass without posting some adorable little girl photos.  baby riley flew over the pond from london, england to celebrate her birthday with us, and she and baby deanna were such willing subjects for my camera lens.  yes, g and i still call them babies even though riley is now four and deanna will be soon. they're still our baby girls!

there weren't even any catfights for me to photograph this trip!  they're growing up!

fabulous lighting!

 and they turn in unison!  so cute!

and since there are two of them with two different aunt doris scrapbooks, i get to scrap these pretty pics all twice if i want to!  hurrah!

had to include this one with deanna glancing back as we were all remarking on the fact that she looks just like her mama in it.

oh!  and calvinball!  i finished a page this morning,  i've blogged twice, and after carefully perusing the bonus points section i'm awarding myself a bonus point for planning another scrappy playdate!  i've already discussed the menu plan with the other calvinball players.  i know they all wish they could come over and enjoy the eats.  come to think of it, i wish they could come over too!  that would be some scrappy party!

current totals:
calvinscraps - 16
calvinblogs - 14
calvinbonus - 17

total - 47


  1. oh how adorable they are!!!! and I think Deanna looks so much like you!

  2. Oh my goodness, they are sooo cute! You got some great shots, glad you had a great time!
